E-Learning Info (Asynchronous vs. Synchronous)

Clark-Pleasant utilizes E-Learning days for two purposes: Staff Professional Development and Inclement Weather.

Staff Professional Development days are built into the academic calendar and these days will be conducted as "Asynchronous" e-learning days.

Inclement weather days will be conducted as "Synchronous" e-learning days.


  • Students work independently at their own pace on assigned work.

  • Students access work through Google Classroom at designated times during the day. (Information regarding Google Classroom can be found - HERE)

  • Attendance and work completion count.


  • Students will tune in live to virtual classes with teachers during assigned times (see schedule from school).

  • Students access work through Google Classroom.

  • Teachers will be available during Live Google Meets according to the student's schedule.

  • Attendance and work completion count.