Clark-Pleasant Technology

The Clark-Pleasant Technology Department provides high-quality technology based services in a cost-effective manner. The Departement's current initatives include:

  • 1-1 Chromebooks - Grades K-12

  • Digital Citizenship Parent Outreach

Tech Staff By Building

Brandan Wright - Director of Technology (Ext. 3121)

Jack O'Reilly - Whiteland Community High School (Ext. 7444)

Jeffery Elsey - Clark-Pleasant Middle School (Ext. 6776)

Dawson Schrowe - Clark Elementary (Ext. 4006) & Whiteland Elementary (Ext. 5200)

Allison Beck - Pleasant Crossing Elementary (Ext. 5555) & Break-O-Day Elementary (Ext. 1112)

Wydale Howze - Grassy Creek Elementary & Clark-Pleasant Early Learning Center (Ext. 3173) & Ray Crowe Elementary (Ext. 8577)