Whiteland Community High School Principal
Email: dlines@cpcsc.k12.in.us
Principal's Welcome Message

Mr. Duke Lines
Welcome to Whiteland Community High School!
It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to Whiteland Community High School! WCHS is a growing high school offering numerous graduation pathways to prepare students to be responsible citizens who collaborate, think critically, and utilize effective communication to solve problems in a dynamic society. All students, families, and staff are expected to show The Warrior Way by being Respectful, Responsible, and Safe. We offer many opportunities to be involved in extracurriculars, clubs, and service activities. We encourage all of our students to be active in some way in our building whether that be athletics, fine arts, or clubs.
We pride ourselves with being student centered with an intentional focus on high expectations that are fostered through trusting relationships. We also encourage our families to be a part of their students' journey and be active in their school life. The high school years are a time of growth and independence for our teenage students, but nothing will help shape them more than the collective efforts of school staff, students, and families collaborating to help all students reach their full potential. We encourage you to use your ParentVue access to keep track of your student’s academic progress. Work with us to make sure they are staying on track with class work and exams. Please consider joining our PTO WCHS Blue Crew to be better connected to our school families and community. Lastly, thank you for entrusting us with your student. It is an honor and privilege to serve all students in our community.
Welcome to WCHS and Go Warriors!
Mr. Duke Lines