Behavioral Health
CPCSC proudly employs a licensed school counselor at each school building. School counselors can assist with crisis intervention, suicide prevention, individual, group, and academic counseling, and agency referrals.
Additionally, Adult & Child Health provides behavioral health services to students on-site in each of our schools. If you are interested in this service please reach out to your child's school counselor to learn more.
If you feel your student would benefit from mental health therapy please reach out to your child’s school counselor to discuss options. You can find your child’s school counselor HERE.
Family & Community Resources
Helping Children Cope with Grief and Loss...
If you child is dealing with the loss of a loved one and needs additional support during school, please let school staff know. The Behavioral Health staff in each building can assist with school support or additional resources.
There are many children's books on death and dying available to help your child discuss the situation. Several of these titles are available through our schools as well as local libraries.
The National Association of School Psychologists website also includes several tip sheets and resources to support your child in these difficult times.
Finding what is age-appropriate can be difficult when discussing death, loss and grief. Not only are adults unsure what words to use, children at different ages will express their loss differently. The following articles may be of assistance:
Understanding the Signs of Grief in Children
Additional Resources:
Caregiver Resources: Click on the links to the left for helpful information and resources.
Crisis Response Guidance: If you have to call the police to your home, follow these helpful tips.
Anxiety: How to support your loved one with anxiety.
Sleep Hygiene: Sleep is so important - learn how to set up good sleep hygiene.
Electronic Safety: How to manage your student's technology to ensure safety.
Staff Behavioral Health
Staff can find information at Self-Care, Safety, and EAP information by clicking HERE.
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