Youth Volleyball Night!
almost 2 years ago, Clark-Pleasant Community School Corp.
Youth Volleyball Night!
The FFA Mulch Sale deadline is now April 13th. Pick-up will be at our Plant Sale May 6, 8-noon and will also be available for pickup when the greenhouse is open for staff Friday after school - 4pm. Fill in the attached flyer if you are interested and return that with the money.
almost 2 years ago, Clark-Pleasant Community School Corp.
FFA Mulch Sale!
Whiteland Girls Tennis picks up the win over Southport! Conference match tomorrow at Plainfield!
almost 2 years ago, Clark-Pleasant Community School Corp.
Girls Tennis
Volunteers Needed!
almost 2 years ago, Clark-Pleasant Community School Corp.
Volunteers Needed!
Break-O-Day Theatre Presents The Little Mermaid! Friday, April 14, 2023 at 6pm.
almost 2 years ago, Clark-Pleasant Community School Corp.
BES Little Mermaid
Welcome Back! Our town. WE ARE WHITELAND STRONG! Welcome back to our school family & community!
almost 2 years ago, Clark-Pleasant Community School Corp.
Welcome Back
Welcome Back
Welcome Back
Welcome Back
Superintendent Search Meeting! The Indiana School Board Association is assisting with the search for a new Clark-Pleasant Superintendent and will be at this meeting to facilitate the input session. Staff, parents, and community members are welcome to attend.
almost 2 years ago, Clark-Pleasant Community School Corp.
Superintendent Search Meeting
Need WiFi? WiFi centers have been set up for students at Clark-Pleasant Middle School and Whiteland Community High Schools ELearning days today and tomorrow for those who may not currently have WiFi available, due to the tornado. Internet access is also available at Grace Assembly Church on US 31, and at the Greenwood and Franklin libraries.
almost 2 years ago, Clark-Pleasant Community School Corp.
Wi-Fi Available!
Donation Information!
almost 2 years ago, Clark-Pleasant Community School Corp.
Pitching In!!! Thanks to the volunteers who've been pitching in to help those trying to get our community back online. Here are a few photos of community members preparing meals, at the high school to feed the cleanup crew (staff) and also the linemen. This is truly The Warrior Way in action!!!
almost 2 years ago, Clark-Pleasant Community School Corp.
Pitching In!
Pitching In!
Pitching In!
Pitching In!
Pitching In!
Pitching In!
Grab n Go! More than 200 lunches were served Tuesday at Clark-Pleasant Middle School. Thanks to our Food Services employees for preparing the lunches which included a nutricious meal that included either a PBJ or Yogurt along with fruit, vegatables and a snack. The Grab n Go lunch program was set up this week to help members of the community as they recover from storm damage. "The effort was so popular on day one that we've decided to continue handing out lunches through Friday", says Food Services Director Kim Combs. Anyone can pick up a free lunch at the middle school between 10 am and 1:00 pm until Friday.
almost 2 years ago, Clark-Pleasant Community School Corp.
Grab n Go!
Grab n Go!
Grab n Go!
Grab n Go!
Grab n Go!
Grab n Go!
Grab & Go lunches will be available for the community on Tuesday, April 4th and Wednesday, April 5th. Pickup will be at Door 12E at Clark-Pleasant Middle School from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm. The middle school address is: 1354 East Worthsville Rd, Greenwood, IN 46143.
almost 2 years ago, Clark-Pleasant Community School Corp.
Grab n Go!
Grab n Go!
Clark-Pleasant Schools will be closed Tuesday, April 4th and Wednesday, April 5th this week. On Thursday April 6th and Friday, April 7th we will be on a modified schedule which will include the middle school and high school having e-learning and our elementary students attending in person as normal. Clark-Pleasant Early Learning Center will not have classes for the remainder of the week. Currently the school system is without an internet connection due to the tornado damage and we do not have an estimate on when it will be repaired. Elementary instruction is less reliant on these connections and our modified schedule will keep the typical high school traffic out of the area which is still very busy with emergency personnel, utility contractors, road closures and various other cleanup activities. We have been asked specifically to keep traffic in this area to a minimum. We know these closings and modified schedules are disruptive to family schedules, but please know that our principals, public safety officials, facilities and food services teams are doing everything possible to get us back in the classroom. Please keep an eye out for updated messages on the ParentSquare platform. And finally, continue your thoughts and prayers for our community members whose homes and businesses were damaged or destroyed by the storm. It has been impressive to see the outpouring of support for these families and I know this is only the beginning. Sincerely, Dr. Patrick Spray Clark-Pleasant Superintendent
almost 2 years ago, Clark-Pleasant Community School Corp.
Schedule for this week!
Helping Hands! Dozens of Clark-Pleasant Staff members gathered at the high school this morning to volunteer for cleanup duty in tornado impacted neighborhoods throughout Whiteland. The first group worked a morning shift with others coming for an afternoon shift at 12:30 p.m. We're grateful to our staff members for their willingness to come out on Monday and help their neighbors.
almost 2 years ago, Clark-Pleasant Community School Corp.
Helping Hands!
Helping Hands!
Helping Hands!
Helping Hands!
Helping Hands!
Helping Hands!
Helping Hands!
Helping Hands!
Clark-Pleasant Schools Closed Monday! April 3, 2023 Due to a confirmed tornado that caused considerable damage in the Whiteland area Friday evening there will be no classes on Monday. Some of our buildings still have power issues, utility poles are down and some roads are blocked due to storm cleanup which creates significant traffic problems, especially with our buses. All of these issues impact our ability to have school. We will reassess our situation Monday and will provide an update at that time. Thank you for your understanding and please try and assist anyone who might be in need at this time. Clark-Pleasant Community School Corp
almost 2 years ago, Clark-Pleasant Community School Corp.
No Classes Monday!
Shelter Available If you are without power in the Whiteland or Johnson County area, due to the storm, The Red Cross has set up a shelter for impacted residents at Greenwood Middle School. It's located at 1584 Averitt Rd, Greenwood, IN 46143. Please enter through door #8 All Clark-Pleasant Schools facilities are in good shape however some are currently without power.
almost 2 years ago, Clark-Pleasant Community School Corp.
All activities at WCHS are canceled for today, Saturday, April 1st, due to power outages.
almost 2 years ago, Clark-Pleasant Community School Corporation
Events Canceled Graphic
Important Dates for Seniors & Parents! We’ll host a Finalizing Financial Aid and FAFSA Completion Night for seniors and parent(s) on April 11th. Mark your calendars now as you don’t want to miss this event! 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Families that need help completing the FAFSA 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Our friends at INvestEd will share tips on comparing financial aid offers, options to fill any gap in college costs, and answer any questions you have.
almost 2 years ago, Clark-Pleasant Community School Corp.
It's a NEW POLE VAULT Record! The bar keeps getting raised by Scott Parrish! He once again shatters the school pole vault record by clearing 15’6” at the HSR Indoor Championship at Indiana University! Parrish finished second in the event as well!
almost 2 years ago, Clark-Pleasant Community School Corp.
New WCHS Pole Vault Record!
A New WCHS School Record! It’s official! Scott Parrish’s 15 foot clearance in the pole vault at the Mid-State Indoor Meet will stand as a school record in the event! Whiteland Track continues to soar to new heights!
almost 2 years ago, Clark-Pleasant Community School Corp.
A New School Record!