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Why Us?
Clark-Pleasant Elementary Schools - Content Specific Teaching

Clark-Pleasant Elementary Schools - Content Specific Teaching
Clark-Pleasant elementary students receive content specific instruction, which not only emphasizes instruction in reading, writing and math, but also integrates science and social studies seamlessly into the core curriculum.
Why I teach at CPCSC?

Why I teach at CPCSC?
Our teachers tell you why they teach at Clark-Pleasant Community School Corporation.
Fun Facts
Technology for students K-12
Of CPCSC teachers rated effective and highly effective
$235 Million
Invested in improvement projects without increasing tax rates.
Safety & Security
CP Police Dept. has 8 SRO's & 2 K-9s; 600 security cameras w/active monitors and mental health providers in every building.
Extensive STEM program K-12

Warrior Way

Be A Volunteer

CP Education Foundation

Care Solace