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Why Us?
CP Elementary Schools - Content Specific Teaching

CP Elementary Schools - Content Specific Teaching
Clark-Pleasant elementary students receive content specific instruction, which not only emphasizes detailed and comprehensive instruction in reading, writing and math, but also integrates science and social studies seamlessly into the core curriculum.
Why I Teach at CPCSC?

Why I Teach at CPCSC?
Our teachers tell you why they love teaching at Clark-Pleasant Community School Corporation.
The Warrior Way at Clark Elementary

The Warrior Way at Clark Elementary
Fun Facts
$235 Million
Invested in improvement projects without increasing tax rates.
Of CPCSC teachers rated effective and highly effective
Extensive STEM Program K-12
Technology K-12
Safety & Security
CP Police Dept. has 8 SRO's & 2 K-9s; 600 security cameras w/active monitors and mental health providers in every building.

Warrior Way

Be A Volunteer

CP Education Foundation

Care Solace